Wednesday 20 April 2011

The baby steps of God........!!

It all began in a small home when I began my journey 75,000 years ago in city long lost in the sands of time. We spoke a different language then and called ourself differently. I have forgotten how I came into this life but, 75,000 is a long time back for a memory of this young girl.

All I remember that, then we made homes and no houses, we created activity and no work, we made what man today has not been able to conquer, the peace of mind and the satisfaction of the soul....

The world was more alive and nature was more expressive.......the water often told stories of the long past...(ohh!! and you thought that was long enough) and I would sit by the rocks listen........
It said, "God was simple, he evolved with every creation...he learned as his child learnt.....he understood as his creation perceived....he was the inventor of a creation that taught him his next every step.....
with his first, he was questioned why me? so he created many...
with many, he was asked what for? and he made it look around...
with wandering, he was asked why? and he made a need called FOOD....
and so he was questioned and he answered it till the creation exhausted............!!
So God created another, since he already feed the earlier answers in what you would call like a 'computer chip'.....(the simple theory of evolution)......he made these new creation ask more......for he was curious to know what more was in store.......!!

And then after millions of years, he sent a soul to earth, fitted it with all the knowledge he had learnt in his million years.....he knew that this was his best invention ever and he called it 'THE BLESSED'.

And like before God let it play like he let the others wild before ages passed and no questions came......God became curious......he saw that this creature had a mind that learnt on his own.......he had made an invention that no longer questioned him but kept fabricating thoughts........!!!

God learnt as it loved as it loved, smiled as it smiled, danced as it danced, sung as it sung........and happiness was realised by God and 'the blessed'.

'The blessed' made shelter and grew also began to create activity.......and hence began a life of the fine Harappan Valley by the river.........!!!!

Ages passed and God only made more 'blessed'.....he was lost in his last creation and had no intension to evolve more, it was the age when harmonious feels were at its peak.....when a new feeling rose..... it all began when two men fell in love with the same girl (it was common then!!)........but one of them had a feeling of not sharing his was unfamiliar with this feeling............
MAN did not know unhappiness, unlove, unpeace........Man felt perplexed to have a desire to not share his love.......his feelings began with 'SELFISHness', he began to learn ANGER.....he gave birth to HATRED..........

With these new feelings God began to realise the negativity he received from his child ......and he learned to be UNKIND and UNFAIR...........

With Gods new feelings and man's new discoveries, man began to challenge God......he began to vague conflicts of discontentment's with God............God then realized that of all simple souls he sent before........he had created a creature that could not only evolve but destroy him.........!!
God learnt FEAR...............

And with the closing of a million years of MAN on earth he selfishly destroyed the creature he created and diminished it into the soils of earth............!!

But you we know all didnt go that way cause you are sitting and reading this God did let his ink slide yet another time............and wrote the legendary story of the GOLDEN BIRD..........
and that story we'll hear yet another time..........

"you my child are here to be till the end......" the water would say.

And I would sit by the rock as long as I could remember for we both knew anything may not be there...but we would rise with the sun and shine with the stars................

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