Sunday 19 June 2011

I'll never cry!!

I made my mistakes
I did what was wrong
and when I turned
He was gone

I surrendered down my life
I can leave all that was gone
Yet u'll never see me cry
Never will I

You see the rain drops falling here
And you'd see me standing by
I'll never cry

You hold me in your arms
You want me to come back
It was me who made mistakes
But I aint holding back
What you did was rather wrong
Yet I'll never cry

Don't hold me in your arms
Don't let me feel your warmth
It was you who made me wrong
It was you who made me feel
It was I who tried to plead and now you wanna heal
I'll never cry.......

Saturday 11 June 2011

Countless stars of sadness

Today i smell of grass
I lay on a hill well pruned
I spend my night star gazing
And watch the crescent moon
It hurt my eyes to count 
I saw 27 in all
I thought I might have mistaken 
But I did it again to feel sure
I saw no less no more
I felt the moon was shrinking
And the blackness descend on me
I thought the nights' devil 
Had taken its black spell
I rubbed my eyes to check
I might have been diseased by LCD's
I needed to be checked
And when i heal and see again
I'll see the stars again... :)